Please follow the steps down below to join us

Choose A Package
Do not miss this opportunity and join us.
• 1 MONTH   189€✅
• 2 MONTHS 349€✅
• LIFETIME    2199€✅
Send Your Payment

BNB "Network BEP2"

Send only BNB to this address: bnb13t294nv5g46vdelhc9w5vgadckazlyxc9tea3y

Select your package:

BTC "Network BTC"

Send only BTC to this address: bc1qw86mjxy9hfsnnc0s0wd73hzumjmnq8xe8ruahd

Select your package:

ETH "Network ERC20"

Send only ETH to this address: 0x065eB00C8976498F347aa663dd548983b894237A

Select your package:

USDT "Network ERC20/BEP20"

Send only USDT to this address: 0x065eB00C8976498F347aa663dd548983b894237A

Select your package:

Send a screenshot of your transaction to @TOKENSMASTERUPNEXT on telegram with a simple message like: "Hi, I just paid for lifetime. Can you please add me to the VIP group"

Frequently Asked Question

Contact @Tokensmasterupnext if you have more questions

Is it hard to understand?

It can be challenging at first. Once you get used to how it works, everything becomes quite simple.

Can I lose my money investing in crypto?

Yes, that's why we aim to make it safer by sharing our knowledge and experience.

Do you offer discounts?

Sometimes yes and we are also working on a referral program.

What is your refund policy?

We don't offer refunds for now but always contact @tokensmasterupnext on telegram if you have any issues.

Do I need a lot of money to get started?

No, we even advise you to start with anywhere from 100 to 500$ at first and then only reinvest your gains.